NEWKD YEI (18-25 years) Programme aims to provide supports that will encourage and empower young people to increase their participation in civic life, education and/or employment. Highlighting the possible positive outcomes from becoming involved in their communities, education and/or employment. The service informs young people of the opportunities and various routes available to them.
Description of delivery of the YEI Service one to one or in group setting:
- Mentoring – support and information, matching young person interests to existing opportunities and setting achievable goals with them in a one to one setting. We offer explorative activities that help discover interests, abilities and aptitudes. We empower young people to be innovative and creative in creating their own solutions and goals.
- Prevention – YEI support initiatives to help prevent young people becoming NEET: motivating and engaging them while they are still in school. Personal development designed to increase confidence and motivation.
- Job-related Knowledge (preparing the young person for going on a workshop/training course, scheme/work experience or employment) Providing information, support and advice to the young people to enable them to access education/training /employment and self-employment, developing a Personal Progression Plan with the young person .
- Building Positive relationships – We offer a service that is person centred and has relationship building central to service. Our aim is to motivate, inspire, inform and empower young people to make decisions and choices.
- Training – Working in conjunction with various education providers on delivering a variety of courses ranging from taster and introductory to level 3 and then signposting further education options. Support young people to get the right skills that make them more competitive in the work force. Training is also available to over 25’s who satisfy eligibility criteria

To find out more please contact:
Jennifer O’Sullivan Coffey: Email:
Louise Lyons: Email: