Community Led Local Development
NEWKD works from a Community Development approach providing supports to private enterprise, community groups and individuals, and those marginalized and excluded from society.
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Enhance peoples lives
We encourage and empower people to enhance their quality of life through the development of innovative programmes, services and supports that promote respect, equality and inclusion.
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Social Support
Our Supports to Individuals & Families pillar is committed to providing services and supports to children, youth and families in the community at the earliest opportunity, working closely with families in areas of disadvantage.
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Enterprise & Tourism Support
Our experienced team will guide you through the steps required to turn your idea into a business venture by providing a range of business supports.
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Community Development

Enterprise & Tourism


Our Impact in 2023

Community Groups

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Our Vision

To improve the quality of life for everyone in North, East and West Kerry Area

Our Mission

To develop and deliver actions based on the needs of the people in our area

To Serve

To serve the people in our area, focusing our resources and energy on the needs of our community

To Value

We believe in the value of the work of the community and voluntary sector and we aim to have this work recognised and celebrated

Core Values

Our values act as a guide for everyone at NEWKD in their work, and their interactions with our community

Our people

Relationships within NEWKD, and with communities, are underpinned by mutual respect, fairness and dignity at all times

Our Approach

We use a community development approach, based on working inclusively, building positive relationships, while remaining responsive and innovative. This involves measured risk taking as well as challenging ourselves and others